Discount Cell, Inc. Provo, UT
Consumer Report


I ordered a 3 channel intercom from Discount Cell. The only reason that I ordered a three channel was because the seller assured me that the 3 channel was the same style as the 2 channel style that I wanted. I went over this many times to make sure that we understood each other since I wanted the 2 channel style. When the intercome arrived 4 days later it was the wrong style, it was not the 2 channel style. I called them after I got it and they assured me that the style I got was the one I ordered. I tried to explain to them that the seller put the wrong information down, but the company goes by what the seller puts down on paper regardless if the seller is right or wrong. I then ordered the 2 channel thay said that was in my style that I wanted, and they told me to send the 3 channel back. Took the intercom to the post office and 15.00 later the wrong intercom was on it's way back. It took one week for the second intercom to arrive at my house. I called Discound Cell and told them that I was out 15.00 for them sending the wrong one and I wanted them to refund my shipping expense. They again said that they did not refund shipping cost. The company still went with what this seller wrote down wrong. I would steer clear of this company that doesn't listen to the buyer and never thinks that the company could ever make a mistake. I am out 15. Oo for shipping and I can assure you that this is not the first time a buyer has been cheated. Beware!

Company: Discount Cell, Inc. Provo, UT
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Provo
ZIP: 84601
Address: 350 W. 500 S
Phone: 8012359809
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