Jail Call Services
Consumer Report


I called the jail my boyfriend was in to find out how to put money on his phone account and they told me I needed to call JCS. I gave JCS $50 for an "approved" phone number for him to call which would ring my phone. Then I had to call another company to put money on his phone account so he could call. The "approved" phone number never worked. The few times we spoke on the phone he called my regular number and we talked 5 mins for $10. I think the jail must get some kind of cut for referring people to this company. (Inverness Jail, Portland OR) I obviously didn't need an approved number since he could call my regular number just fine. I got nothing for my $50.

Company: Jail Call Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
ZIP: 75204
Address: 3523 McKinney Ave., #750
Phone: 9723385271
Site: jailcallservices.com
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Jail Call Solutions
Consumer Report

Jail Call Solutions
Consumer Report

Jail Call Solutions
Consumer Report

Jail Call Solutions
Consumer Report

Jail Call Services
Consumer Report

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Consumer Report

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Consumer Report

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Jail Call Solutions
Consumer Report

Jail Call Services
Consumer Report