Consumer Report


Got an email from a friend (turns out this was fraudulent) with a link from the Dr. Oz website (I think this was fraudulent also) that offered 2 bottles plus 1 free bottle of green coffee extract for $66 - and I put it through on my credit card and it showed a receipt that said thank you, you've just spent $99.00. (too bad, SUCKER)

So I called several of the customer service numbers and tried (in vain) to get the correct amount charged (they said that offer was no longer available — of course...) and then I asked them to rescind the order because I was getting that I had been defrauded. And by the way, their customer service people (of course they don't give their real names) are HORRIBLE. They don't even know the name of the company, they deal with so many... And of course there is no supervisor available, they're all in meetings.

I then called my credit card company to rescind the order, and they said they couldn't do anything until it was charged, and then they would deal with the merchants if I talked with the company and said I wanted them to cancel the order. I have a feeling that I'm just going to have to eat this one. I cannot believe I was so stupid buy anything without doing my due diligence, but I saw it on the Dr. Oz website — OR SO I THOUGHT. These people should be prosecuted. And then hung in the public square.

So, I'm just echoing what I'm reading here from others who similarly got suckered. These defrauders have a good scam going. May they rot in hell.

Country: USA
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Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Phone # 855-855-5873 Green Coffee Bean Extract
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Green Coffee Diet, LLC
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Superior Distribution/AZC
Xtreme Green Coffee Bean Extract customer satisfaction