Consumer Report


They charged my visa card after I told them to cancel ouyt the contract which is what they said to do. I called the credit company and explained they wanted to cancel and take them to task for fraud. But I have to love on the card, I am 82 years old help help

Company: BestTimeWin
Country: USA
City: Kokkedal
Address: La Gyde 146, Fasanvænget
Phone: 454540112433
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Capital First
Consumer fraud ripoff, rip-off business from hell, deceptive company, corruption

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

First American Payment Systems
Avoid fraud

Internet Income Initiative
Google s, Internet Income Initiative, Income Initiatives my Butt! Internet Fraud for sure!

Furniture Fix
Did not allow to review orde

Shopper Systems and Surplus Suppliers
Consumer Report

Led Outfitters
This company is a joke and I had to cancel my credit card because of them

Capital One Bank refusal to cancel my CCard
Refusal to cancel my Credit Card

MWI Connections
Credit Card Fraud Stamford