Ishola Adurojaiye and Michael Ajenifuja
Consumer Report


Kevin Jones Amendes approached me to help him to encashed his American Express Travellers Cheque and promised me to pay the money in returned as soon as he encashed his cheque. I remitted money since January 16 till October. He continously asking remittance since that time because if i will not remit any amount he cannot get his cheque and he cannot pay me at all.

I've done the remittance and it was named to Ishola Adurojaiye and Michael Ajenifuja adressed to Egypt and some of the remittances made was in Nigeria Western Union.

I am innocent to this matter please please help me to recover my money back. I dont know what to do and i am innocent to this matter. Please i hope your department can help me.

Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Thank you.

Company: Ishola Adurojaiye and Michael Ajenifuja
Country: USA
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