Peak Life
Consumer Report


An on line purchase for a free sample of somnapure was made on Feb. 5. My understanding was that I would pay ONLY shipping costs. Then, today, March 3, I get a bill telling me that I owe you $69.96. Until today, I did not realize how misleading and full of hype the information you provide, is. I am asking that you not send me anymore of your sleep aid product or any other product for that matter. I feel that I was scammed; no where on your website did I read that I would be charged for the product. Your sales pitch was for a free bottle and pay only shipping. I would appreciate it if you take me off your mailing list and please be advised that I am not paying $69.96 for a product that gave me headaches and nausia. If I must send the product back, I will. I have read the feedback on this product and I must say, people are not happy w/you at all; me either. If you wish to contact me, please reply to the email above. Shall I send the product I have, back to you?

Thank you. I look forward to this issue being resolved as of NOW; please do not bill me for something I do not want.

Company: Peak Life
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Cambridge
ZIP: 02139
Address: 700 Technology Square, Suite 202
Phone: 8778693304
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Peak of Life / Somnapure
Consumer Report

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