LS Management
Consumer Report


I received a check in the mail for $1,922.75 with a seemingly legit letter about signing up to be a mystery shopper - it lists Walmart, Costco, Home Depot, K-Mart, Office Depot and Best Buy among others that use their "services." What alerted me to the scam was their insistence that I deposit the check into my own account rather than just cashing it and that the envelope had no return address and a spanish language post mart/stamp. This is a scam.

Company: LS Management
Country: USA
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Quality Reviewers
APLLIED GROUP Mystery Shoppers/secret shoppers/shadow shoppers

Longview Research Group
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Hudson Bay Services Inc
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Contemporary Services Corp
Mystery shopper check scam

LS Management Inc
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Survey Pro Inc
Counterfeit Check... Dont Deposit... Scam... Scam... Scam

Lifestyles Group, Inc
Home Improvement Grant — check for 4960.00 to be deposited and send them 3,160 by Western Union
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Continental Shopper's Inc
Continental Shopping CSI Deposit CSI's $3,860.00 check and become a "Mystery Shopper" and transfer $3,300.00 to unknown individual for your first assignment. FRAUD! Tampa, Florida

SCB Business Conservation Inc
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