Consumer Report


Received call from 347-347-1122 purporting to be collecting from a "payday loan". Very vague information, heavy middle-eastern accent. Claimed I would be arrested, and they wanted to talk to my supervisor at work so I could be fired. Called my job approx. 20 times in a row, saying that he would call until I sent them money.

Company: Pcs
Country: USA
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Cash Connect

Cash Advance USA
Steven Johnson Cash Advance USA claiming to sue for loan never taken. Had personal info Including SS

Sonic Cash Net
Payday Loan

National Crime Monitoring Unit

Cash Net Express
Tried to rip me off by stating I defaulted on payday loan

Law Investigation department
Cash at once? Called me on my cell wanting money for a payday loan i never requested or received. Threatening me with jail time if i didnt pay! When i tried to explain to him he must have the wrong person

United Legal Investigations Bureau
Officer Will Buxton/Foreigne

Sfi - State Financial Investigations
Payday loan scam, harassment, threatened with arrest

Cash Advance usa
Federal crime unit sueing me through a loan I did not have in

Received threatening call regarding payday loan I supposedly received and never paid back