Consumer Report


I have been a member since dec. 6 until now feb. 21. Wow where do I start? If you chat with a woman here long enough you will notice their responses become repetitious even in the same conversation like its computer generated. I was luck to only lose 1000.00 over two and a half months. What I did was send a free love letter and then would receive one free response letter back free. If I was impressed I paid the ten dollars to reply. Each time you click on a profile it automatically sends you a letter from the lady but the initial letter is just a greeting letter and you have to pay ten dollars for it!!! They got me initially with women that are always there at the site always coming to your window wanting to chat but as you get more specific and detailed with the woman she starts saying things that don't make sense for someone who is grown and educated. It's almost like she just wants your attention so you can be charged for the chat. You can ask them a specific question and she will ignore it and keep saying things that are silly and meaningless a red flag!!! Another trick they use is that they set up profiles like they are currently living in the usa. So you figure this will be a easier way to actually get to know a asian woman, wrong!!! What happens when you ask her let's meet here in the usa. She will make every excuse in the world not to meet you, for example, it's snowing, I have a cold, I hang out with my girlfriends on the weekend so forth. What I found once they knew I grew weary of their excuses all of a sudden they have gone back to china. That's because they had no intention of meeting you in the first place or better yet they were never here in the first place. I had one asian woman whose profile said she was in los angeles, ca eventually said by the way I had to go back to china to take care my sick mother. She had no intention on meeting me and the only thing she kept saying why aren't you opening my letters? Dah! Scammer. Lastly I send a asian woman roses for 119.00 dollars for the purpose of getting her contact information and giving her mine. Oddly after I told her through chat the flowers were on the way I noticed she no longer was online to greet me or did not write a letter once I received confirmation she had received the flowers I wanted a day and at that point I knew I had been scammed by this website. This woman over a two month period sent me 51 letters so I thought she was really interest of course I did not open 49 of them because on the second letter from her she sent me a picture of what she was eating for dinner! I told her I spent ten dollars to see what you had for dinner? All she could say was sorry. Ultimately guys real (which it is not) the playing field is not level. You have to pay to talk she does not so you really don't know if she is interested or not. You invest in getting to know her and she can pull the rug from under you at anytime and you are the big loser. Even with cam share here these women are working for the site so what's the big deal you can see her. All these women do is tell you what you want to hear being sexually explicit, saying I will get a visa and come to you; meanwhile, your bank account will have a massive hole in it. Just ask yourself do you know with confidence who you are talking to and their true intentions? The answer should be no. They create an illusion of having all these beautiful successful women available here I'm sure they don't look what they look like in the photo here and don't have the money and careers they say they have either. If it's too good to be true then it is.

Country: USA
State: Tortola
City: St John
ZIP: 00831-0409
Address: PO Box 409 PMB# 045
Phone: 8003117598, 8886429675
  <     >  

Complete fake, phony, fraud - Filled to the brim with fictitious profiles of "woman"

On-line dating scam
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

1st International Marriage Network
Consumer Report

Consumer Report
Zillions of received emails and winks Irving
Consumer Report - - - - - -, - Ripoff sites, filled with shill ads, and bot responses
Consumer Report