DVD Gato
Consumer Report


I ordered a full episode of little house on the prarie for a christmas present and when it came time for it to be there it never showed up i contacted gordon kennedy customer support manager and he assured me he would put a tracer on it and get it taken care of and let me know something in 4 to 5 days. I still have not recieved any information and cannot get in contact with them. I would like to just have my money back. My e-mail is (personal information removed)

Company: DVD Gato
Country: USA
Site: dvdgator.com
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DVD Tige
Consumer Report

DVD Gato
Consumer Report

DVD Gato
Consumer Report

DVD Tige
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

DVD Tige
Consumer Report

DVD Gato
Consumer Report

DVD Gato
Consumer Report

DVD Tige
Consumer Report

DVD Gato
Consumer Report