Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report


They sent me a official mail delivery form w098 and asked me to send back $11.98 to get 3 million dollars and kept sending forms and I kept sending in money and more money boy I am very stupid should have called someone to help.

Company: Award Notification Commission
Country: USA
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Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report

Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report

Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report

Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report

Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report

National Awards Commission
Award notification commission award notification commission

Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report

Award Notification Commission
You have won 2,000, 000.00 please send us 11.89 to get your millions

Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report

Award Notification Commission
The have been sending me forms to fill that, I am one of the luky ones who are going to win 000.00 asked to include $ 11.99 every time they keep sending this different forms to sign and feel l