Jillian Walkowicz
Consumer Report


Jillian Walkowicz approached me with a check saying she needed it to be checked. She told me a sob story that went on for a very long time. She is pregnant, she has two kids at home under 5, she had left them to go clean houses in New Hampshire (her regular job for the past 9 years) with a friend, however her husband (who was supposably out of the picture) took them from her friend. She said he was abusive and beat her, and thats why she had left him. She did not want him with her children so she had to get back to Lowell right away and check them into a hotel with her. Except her account had just been closed. It was already to late for me when i already took it out for her but began to get suspicious when she went on for so long that her story started to even include her having cancer and being in remission, this is why she had stopped in Boston apparently on her from New Hampshire. The name on the check is of Amie L. Viera, she gave me the number and I called many times but she didn't pick up. She told me she was an 80 year old woman she cleaned houses for. I looked her up, Amie L. Viera was arrested for stolen property and drug possession. She is 29 years old, the same age as Jillian Walkwicz, and it appears they went to the same trade school. Upon further investigation, Jillian Walkowicz has also been charged for knowingly being with someone with possession of heroin. She has one child, works at Best Western in New Hampshire, and lives in Somersworth.

Company: Jillian Walkowicz
Country: USA
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Jillian Walkowicz
Consumer Report

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Jillian Walkowicz
Consumer Report

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