Friesen Press
Quick to take money... Impossible to obtain a refund


Months ago, I agreed to self-publish a book with Freisen Press. Monthly, like clock-work, funds were debited from my account. I, after the first four payments found myself facing amazing medical bills. I desperately need the money (approximately $1,000) at this point. Two weeks ago, I requested a refund. I was told that my account would be credited. The office manager "Aurelia" would take care of it. I do not believe that she exists. I have no refund, I do have a medical bill that must be paid. I tried to phone Freisen Press and left two messages... NO return call! I spoke with my "sales rep" who said that she'd pass the message to the Phantom Aurelia, that there was no supervisor, that ONLY AURELIA can refund money. However, she is never available, never in her office, and basically cannot be reached! I am desperate for this refund and cooperation from Friesen Press. Funny how swiftly and efficiently in this techno age, money can be extracted from an account, but, evidently, "Aurelia" must mine some gold, throw a sack of it over her shoulder and walk from British Columbia to Centerville, Ohio to refund money... I would have thought that electronically a few buttons can be pushed and I would have my money! So much for the 21st Century and technology! Buyer/sucker BEWARE!

Company: Friesen Press
Country: USA
Address: 300 - 852 Fort St Victoria, British columbia WA V8W 1H8
Phone: 18883786793
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Friesen Press
Quick to Take Money - Refund Impossible

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Consumer Report

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