Hydra Fund
Consumer Report


I recieved a call from a debt collections Company called CDR from phone # 1-866-594-5200 in Orchid Park, NY representing Hydra Fund 1 a payday loan company from California with phone # 1-888-302-5282 and said I owed them over 300.00 dollars and they will settle for 300.00 dollars. They said the payday loan company lent me 300.00 dollars and I had defroded them with a closed account and the money had been deposited into my credit union and that account has been closed for over 2 years and I did not authurize any one or anybody to do any such thing. This company had all my personal information inclueding my DL, SS, DOB, EMAIL Address, WORK Phone #. They are going to be in big trouble with the Law for doing this. The told me I defrouded them will I here to tell you this company is a scam and doing things illegel. I am sill checking into a lot more on them and will update this later on when I find out more from my Sheriffs Department

Company: Hydra Fund
Country: USA
Phone: 8883025332, 8883025269
Site: hydrafundpaydayloan.info
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Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Financial Limited Fund II
Fraud Loan

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report

Hydra Fund
Consumer Report