Consumer Report


They say that is authentic from Louis vuitton but no they are not. It is fake. I never buy things online and got scammed as I liked that bag so much and could not find it in store or LV site. These ppl reported on their site that collection is at a lower price as they are models that are no more marketed.

Company: PricesLocke
Country: USA
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Ashley Lately
Sold Fake Louis Vuitton

Kristin Collins
Ripoff This person is selling counterfeit Louis Vuitton Merchandise and providing it with a authentic LV store receipt

Chris Kurow AKA Lvmarcjacobs
Ebay Seller Lvmarcjacobs AKA Chris Kurow claims he sold authentic louis vuitton bag. LV boutique id'd item as a fake

La Perle
Ripoff They claim to sell authentic luxury items They are actually 100% fake!

Carol Ives My Poupette Angie Houston
Carol IVES - MY POUPETTE - Angie HOUSTON false and misleading info on Louis Vuittons ripoff

E-luxury Store
Claim to sell authentic louis vuitton & gucci bags/accessories!
Consumer Report

Donna Elreda
On ebay is a rip-off! Fake Louis Vuitton bag

Allison Nethery
Fake Louis vuitton Handbags ripoff

Jaylene Leonbruno
The vendor above knowingly sold to me on Overstock Auctions a fake Louis Vuitton bag