Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report


I purchased the trial bottle then was charged $79.99 and they would not give a refund. They said they would half refund the product because it was past the 14 days and the product does not work. The same thing happened for the natural cleanse product. Not a happy person right now and I am out $90.00.

Company: Lipo Slim Extreme
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85046-0371
Address: PO Box 31976
Phone: 8882416463
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Lipo Slim Extreme and Lipo Slim Cleanse
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report