Lipo Slim
Consumer Report


Supposedly this was a free trial of this Liposlim or another product, i chose the liposlim. The cost was 4.95, until I check my visa statement and see a charge of 80.00 from a health care company in the states! I contact my bank and they get in touch with this corrupt business and we have a third party conference call, whereas with the bank dispute investigator as my witness, I get this company to cancel any further transactions from my account, i am now out 160.00 from two months of withdrawls... Absolute (Inappropriate Content Removed) It sickens me that these theives get away with this... They should be put in jail for the criminals that they ar!!

Company: Lipo Slim
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85046-0371
Address: PO Box 31976
Phone: 8882416463
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Lipo Slim
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Lipo Slim
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