Health Leader and Slender Guide
Consumer Report


Noticed a pending charge to my account for $19.65. I didn't recognize the charge or the company number so i looked further back in my account and found i was charged the same amount in november. I have never heard of this company and i certainly did not authorize them to charge my account whenever they feel like it. I called 888-896-4942 and was repeatedly hung up on. Obviously they know what they are doing is wrong so instead of talking to someone and just giving them back the money they stole they just don't deal with you. It's disgusting that people do this, what has happened to humanity?

Company: Health Leader and Slender Guide
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
ZIP: 78701
Address: 221 W. 6th Street, Suite 960
Phone: 8883324560, 8888964942
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Slender Guide MD 888-896-4942
Consumer Report

Slender Guide MD 888-896-4942
Consumer Report

Health Leader and Slender Guide
Consumer Report

Slender Guide MD 888-896-4942
Consumer Report

Slender Guide MD 888-896-4942
Consumer Report

Slender Guide MD 888-896-4942
Consumer Report

Slender Guide MD 888-896-4942
Consumer Report

Health Leader and Slender Guide
Consumer Report

Slender Guide MD 888-896-4942
Consumer Report

Slender Guide MD / Health Leader MD
Consumer Report