WFTone Tech Ltd
Consumer Report


I purchased a handbag on this date, as the screen went blank i did not think sale had gone through untill money taken out of bank on 2 January. As screen went blank i did not get any confirmation or details. Price was £174.95 for bag but £181.06 came out. Have tried to email but no answer and no bag

Company: WFTone Tech Ltd
Country: USA
State: Sichuan
City: Chengdu
ZIP: 069574
Address: Fuzimiao 147 Hao
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WFTone Tech Ltd
Consumer Report

WFTone Tech Ltd
Consumer Report

WFTone Tech Ltd
Consumer Report

WFTone Tech Ltd
Consumer Report

WFTone Tech Ltd
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

WFTone Tech LTD - Shenzhen
Consumer Report

WFTone Tech Ltd
Consumer Report

WFTone Tech Ltd
Consumer Report

WFTone Tech Ltd
Consumer Report