VIP Binary
Consumer Report


I have invested over $15,000 and am unable to make a withdrawal. An account manager 'helped' me with most of the trades. I was doing quite well and he kept asking me to deposit $2000. I finally refused and my wins dropped in a matter of a day or two. I was so upset and discussed this with him, so we traded some more and built up my account a little. Then he wanted more deposits guaranteeing I would have $5000 placed on my credit card on the Monday (this was a Friday). Monday came and went - I tried to contact him and nothing for a week now. I then received a call from a night account manager who was really going to help me make money (that was during the same week). He wanted me to deposit $5000 and get a $10,000 bonus. I told him I didn't want the useless bonuses as you could never get your money out. I have tried numerous times and they are always cancelled and verbal promises never happen of course.

What can be done to get back my money and shut this fraudulent company down?

Company: VIP Binary
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
ZIP: 10005
Address: Trump Towers, 40 Wall Street
Phone: 7188208919, 8554977277
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VIP Binary
Consumer Report

VIP Binary
Consumer Report

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VIP Binary
Consumer Report
Beware of fake eztrade bonuses!

VIP Binary
Takes your money, loses it all on ridiculous trades then won't take your calls. Ripoff!

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VIP Binary
Consumer Report brokerage account fraud—5000$ loss

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Binary Option Scam