Wake Network Net
Consumer Report


They told me it was a 7 day free trail only

$2.99 would be taken on 12-9, i would then recieve info pack and decide if i wanted this, i cancelled but they took
$19.99 and $3.00 on dec 15th after i had cancelled this is a scam it says EFT FEE/FOREIGN CURR CONV WAKANETWORK8662599490CY ITS NOT LETTING ME ENTER THE DATE

Company: Wake Network Net
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89074
Address: 701 N. Green Valley Parkway, Suite 200
Phone: 4591218344, 8773321490
Site: wakanetwork.com
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Boingo Wireless
Cancellation of this product in June. Currently charged for product 6 months after cancellation. Refund requested

Grant Approval Network
Consumer Report

Dish Network
Dish Network Billing Practice Unbelievable

Consumer Report

Dish Network
Review - Charlie Ergin

American Leisure / Easy Saver / EMI / Encore Marketing
Fraudelant charges on my bank account

Bargin Network
Repeately withdrew money from my account after i cancelled before the trail period was over i cancelled January 2 . Yet they have continue to take money from my account Houston texas

Consumer Report

Rim Purchase—UPDATE

NuGenics International
Consumer Report