Premier Benefits
Ripoff Fraudulent Charges to Your Checking Account


If you get a call from someone with a think Indian/Arabic dialect... Beware. They state that they are giving out $200 dollars in coupons and gas vouchers to people that have been such wonderful customers. They play a recording, don't allow you time to cancel, and then hang up.

If you pay the $3.95 for shipping and find yourself with numerous charges on your checking account don't be surprised. They charged $119 dollars to my checking account on top of the $ fact they already had my name, checking account number, and address.

These scam artists make it impossible to cancel all the promotions that they enroll you in be stating that they can't hear you when you call and then hanging up. They give out 3 different cancelation numbers and amazingly they can't hear you at any of the numbers.

When I finally managed to speak to a live person they claim they will send out a form that I must fill out to get a refund. I don't beleive that they sent a form since I never received the coupons and vouchers.

I have never been so upset and inconvenienced by any telemarketing scam in my life. I went to the bank today and canceled my checking account. Someone needs to take care of these thieves.

Company: Premier Benefits
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
Address: 1442 E. Lincolin Ave Or P.O. Box 361
Phone: 8003577592
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