USA Benefits
Telemarketing Scam attempt - offering $100 shopping voucher - cost is $1.95 shipping - BEWARE!


I had been receiving multiple calls daily from a number I didn't recognize, and no message was ever left. Today I answered when they called, but was disconnected, so I immediately called back. I was told that they were from a company called USA Benefits, and I had qualified to receive a $100 shopping voucher that I could use at any of my favorite retail or department stores, like Walmart, Target or Dillard's. All I had to do was pay $1.95 shipping fee, since his company was in Arizona and I was in Texas.

I told him I wasn't comfortable giving any sort of payment information to him. He immediately became defensive, insisting that I was only giving verbal authorization for his company to charge ONLY a one time fee of $1.95 to cover shipping costs. The more I questioned him, the more aggravated he became, and the more he insisted it was only $1.95. I asked twice to speak to his manager, and he ignored my request. Kept insisting it was legit. He was unable to tell me what website I had visited that prompted his call, or what CC I had used, and his information on exactly what type voucher I was to receive was inadequate at best - I can use it anywhere at all? Really?

I then was certain this was some kind of scam, and began trying to collect HIS information! He gave his company name as USA Benefits, and headquarters was in Phoenix, AZ. He said his name was Steve Jones, and employee ID #93057 -100% accurate I'm sure! (Yeah right!) He said I would be placed on a recorded call with his partner, who would explain the voucher and accept my verbal authorization. Then I would be given a 12-digit confirmation number that would be my legal proof of what I agreed to. I decided to go along a little longer to see what more I could learn.

He finally got around to asking me what credit card I wanted to use to cover the shipping fee - up until this point, he insisted he wasn't asking for payment information. I refused, and again asked for his manager. I also told him that I had looked his company up online, and was looking at pages full of complaints, that it was a scam. He became very angry, and called me a "foolish, foolish girl" said to just get off the phone, I was just foolish.

Seems to me I'm not so foolish - I didn't give him any more than my name! And you can bet I'll be watching my accounts like a hawk to be sure nothing fishy is going on!

Don't let them get ya!

Company: USA Benefits
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: India
Phone: 4328970417
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