Evening Sky, LLC
Consumer Report


I ordered a FREE sample and then the sent me two more shipments that I did not agree to. I phoned them to complain and ask for a refund and just went around in circles stating I had to wait for the 2nd bottle to be mailed. This is a total scam that many others have fallen victim too as well.
I cannot afford this product.

Company: Evening Sky, LLC
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Lutz
ZIP: 33558-4839
Address: 18015 Sant Angelo Dr
Phone: 8559373871
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Ripoff Internet

Lean Spa
Totally a Rip Off. Ordered FREE sample that Cost me $80.00

Evening Sky, LLC
Consumer Report

Evening Sky, LLC
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Health Cleanse 360
Consumer Report

Vip Fit
I ordered a sample of their product and I didn't like it so I went to their site and cancelled further shipments. They still sent another bottle and charged $89.31 to my card. I have been trying to get a refund since Sept. Orem Utah


HoodiaPlex Labs
Ordered Free Bottle for $5.49 S&H, Credit Card Charged $5.49, $2.50, and $69.95
