Zenith Law Firm/Mrs. Rachel Williams
Consumer Report


I received an email today from a Mrs. Rachel Williams saying that she had willed me all her husband's money (10,000, 000) and to contact Mr. Howard at Zenith Law firm to collect it. She said she was diagnosed with cancer and didn't have long to live and didn't want to leave the money to her relatives. She saw my profile on the internet and God told her to give me this money. I was shocked when I read it and really wanted to believe it, because I am in a very difficult financial situation right now and that would have been the answer to my prayers. I then came down from my cloud and faced reality and was quite upset over this cruel and tasteless prank. I hope someone finds out who is behind this and brings them to justice. It just wasn't right.

Company: Zenith Law Firm/Mrs. Rachel Williams
Country: USA
City: Leeds, West Yorkshire
Address: 10 Park Square
Phone: 01132455438, 01132521047
Site: zenithchambers.co.uk
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