Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report


I ordered the lipo slim online and the price was $4.95 S/H. A week later I am charged $79.99 from the same company. I noticed on my bank statement that the company charging me was "health payment" There was also a phone # 1-888-628-9030. Of course no one ever answers the line... The recording tells you that because of high call-volume, you should call back "another time" and then hangs up on you. I called my bank and they are going to reimburse me. So everybody should find that credit card/bank card statement with that particular transaction along with a copy of these complaints and get reimbursed. I found out that health payment services and lipocleanse are connected by going online to and looking at the companies doing business through them... And... Sure enough... There was lipocleanse. Anyway, sure hope this information helps someone else.

Company: Lipo Slim Extreme
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85046-0371
Address: PO Box 31976
Phone: 8882416463
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Lipo Slim Extreme and Lipo Slim Cleanse
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report

Lipo Slim Extreme
Consumer Report