MNC Watches
Consumer Report


On 11/26 I was offered a free watch by these people for the cost of shipping so I filled in my info, my debit card was charged the $9.99 shipping fee and I thought everything was fine but it WAS NOT! When I got my bank statements I see that these scam artists have charged my debit card another $98.00 for what was supposed to be a free watch. At no point while I was giving them my info did it mention that I would be charged another $98 bucks if I kept my free watch. I want my $98 bucks back from these scammers!

Company: MNC Watches
Country: USA
State: California
City: Glendale
ZIP: 91204
Address: 1200 S. Brand Blvd, Ste 154
Phone: 8552126021
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MNC Watches
Consumer Report

MNC Watches
Consumer Report

Mnc watch
Consumer Report

Mark Max
Consumer Report

Ordered a watch for 4.99 plus 1.99 shipping and was charged 88.99 on my debit card

Volvado Watches
Consumer Report

The company went into my check card account and deceivingly took $88.99 for a watch in which was a promotion for $1.00

Volvado Watches
Consumer Report

MNC Watches
Consumer Report

Consumer Report