G.T. Seeley, Co
, "Return to Sender", "Not Deliverable as Addressed


Sent letter with SASE enclosed requesting information regarding processing mail from home as a work-at-home job.
Letter returned with, "Return to Sender", "Not Deliverable as Addressed" (address was correct as given to me), and "Unable to Forward".
Don't waste your time, stamps, and envelopes.

Company: G.T. Seeley, Co
Country: USA
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G.T. Seeley, Co
Sent letter with SASE for information regarding processing mail from home as a work-at-home job. Letter returned

Easy Coasting
Return to Sender", "Not deliverable as addressed"

Sonlight Kitchen Collections
Sent letter with SASE for information on assemblying children's placemats for work-at-home job. Letter returned

News Profits
Sent letter with SASE for info. On clipping news articles for a work-at-home job. Letter returned

Country Love Crafts and Gifts
Sent letter for more info, letter returned stating "Not deliverable"

Teddy Bears
Sent letter with SASE for info. Regarding assemblying Teddy Bears for work-at-home job. Letter sent back

Company had to offer regarding assemblying electronic muscle

Gold Enterprises Systems
Promised this was like NO OTHER company, upfront, pay in ADVANCE! They trust us, WE TRUST THEM!

Cash Back USA Trust Company
Cash Back rebate was never paid off, my papers for rebate came back"return to sender attemted - not known unable to forward

Columbia Telecommunications
There was and $5 rebate offer, but when I sent it off in 2wks it came back as NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED UNABLE TO FORWARD