Pure Green Coffee
Consumer Report


I ordered one order of 3 bottles of their product. I would never order more than one order of something before trying it out. They not only duplicated my order but doubled my shipping charge! I spoke to irais on 8/27 and reported the incorrect charge to wells fargo. The company agreed it was a mistake and agreed to reimburse me if there ended up being an extra charge on my account but said they didn't see one and to call if one showed up. I offered to send back the duplicate order that i did not order but they insisted it was not neccessary since it was their mistake!!! Wells fargo said they are contacting the company regarding this and that i can write more in the affadavid but still... The charge was not removed and the affadavid never sent. I spoke again to wells fargo 12/9 and reported the company again and their incorrect charges. On their site, they have many complaints for the same reason. Due to this, i will never order from them again or recommend them as it appears they are scamming people. Their 800 number appears to have been disconnected as it no longer works to get thru to the company!!! Holly (personal information removed)

Company: Pure Green Coffee
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
ZIP: 30341
Address: 3577 A Chamblee-Tucker Rd
Phone: 8887549085
Site: greencoffeepure.com
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WILL ripoff SCROOGE you

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Consumer Report