Diet Instructo
Consumer Report


I checked my account today to see a 19.65 charge from Diet Instructor. I also did not authorize this charge nor did I ever sign up for this service. So far the company seems real as when you call they do sound like they are a legit company. I will have to wait and see if they reverse the charge and really are for real. Either way it is concerning that they have a way to bill our banks without any authorization on our part. Something isn't right here.

Company: Diet Instructo
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
ZIP: 78731
Address: 3571 Far West Blvd, #189
Phone: 8778943532
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Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

555 Diet Challenge
Charge my credit card for $29.89 without my authorization North Dakota

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report

Diet Instructo
Consumer Report