Walmart's disregard for human life!


Walmart has a long and systematic policy of stunning disregard for the wellbeing of its factory workers, employees, AND customers. At a factory that Walmart continued to use even after flagging it as "unsafe"-110 people died (dozens more were severely injured)-after a recent fire. The workers were unable to escape because they'd been LOCKED IN!
If your area cable carries "Current"Network (Ch. 107)-look for a documentary called"Walmart-low prices-high costs";you will be stunned disgusted by the consistently callous tactics that Walmart Corporation enacts with regard to just about everyone, and everything. Walmart cheats and lies to its employees (no wonder the poor folks are so grumpy-youd be too, if you were underpaid, overworked, denied promotions due to race or gender, spied on harassed by your company for any suspected union ties!) Walmart contracts with sweatshops that torment blackmail their workers (and all so Walmart can pay substandard wages in 3rd -World countries.) Walmart then offers its cheap wares in stores bristling with security devices to prevent theft of Walmarts wares-but theres NO security provided for Walmarts crime ridden parking lots (where Walmart customers are abducted, robbed, shot, raped, murdered, with monotonous regularity)-all because Walmart doesnt want to pay for the ONE security guard per store lot that Walmarts own surveys indicated would cut these crimes down to zero! Thats how much Walmart values its customers;once we drop our money at their cash registers, we can drop off the face of the Earth for all Walmart Co. Cares! Shop the little Mom'n Pop shops where they still know you by name (care if you drop dead!)

Company: Wal-Mart
Country: USA
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Walmart Supercenter
Poor Management - customer service/management

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