Green Millionaire

Literature & Books

They charged my account with out authorization for $89.95 for a newsletter I did not ask for. They refused to refund my money and claimed they sent me information on their terms days before I had even heard about, or bought the book.

Company: Green Millionaire
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Union City
  <     >  


The Green Millionare
Newsletter subscription hidden in free offe

The Green Millionaire
Total Rip-Off

Green Millionaire
Eing charged for something I did not orde

Natural Cures Newsletter
They charged me for the newsletter even though I repeatedly refused to join

Kevin Trudeau-Natural Cures News Letter
Charged for newsletter never received

PSV Retirement Millionaire Newslette
Consumer Report

Green Millionaire

Green Millionaire
Con Artist Extraordinaire

Green Millionaire
Hidden financial details. I was billed $89.00 and I do not know what that was for, nor did I agree to that charge

ITV - Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures Newsletter
Natural Cures Newsletter They keep taking money from my checking account for 9 months & I cannot get ahold of them Village