Bottom Line Books
Eceived book I did order, so I assume it is free

Literature & Books

Didn't purchase the Underside Line Publications... But obtained one within the mail. I am not accountable for the cost.

JoAn Field34a4c

Company: Bottom Line Books
Country: USA
State: Nevada
  <     >  


Bottom Line Books
Sending a book that I did not order

Bottom Line Books
Didn't approve purchase of publications

Bottom Line Books
Unautorized shipment and billing

Bottom Line Books
Unsolicited books and billing afterwards!

Bottom Line Books
Ill for books that I don't have

Bottom Line Books
Unsolicitated books, and billing

Bottom Line Books
Not ordered book

Bottom Line Books
Books I did not orde

Bottom Line Books
Sent books i never ordered

Bottom Line Books
Getting books that I didn't order and also sent request to cancel membership