LSS, Inc
Never received purchase

Literature & Books

Never received the product that i taken care of. I settled $36.00 to get a magazine subscription on 7/25/08. They gave me my receipt and stated i'd have our subcription with-in 30-90 times. It's been past that date but still no journal. I'd like my money back

Company: LSS, Inc
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Aubrey
  <     >  


Magazine Subcription Not Received

National Magazine Exchange
Need to cancel

Magazines, Inc
Great Lakes Circulation, Inc. Another Magazine Subscription Ripoff

First Subscrition Services
Unauthorized subscription

More Magazine
Magazine Subscription I didn't request

Nss Magazine Subscrpt - Ew
Illed for unauthorized magazine subscription

Mens Health Magazine, Rodale
Gift Subscription

M2 Media Group
Unwanted magazine subscription

Palmetto Marketing
Paid by personal check for magazine subcription european car 24 issues at $50.00 ripoff

Interstate Subscription Services, INC
Never received magazine after 10 months