Awful company

Literature & Books

I signed up with iUniverse Publishing last 8th of July to get my manuscript get edited, and published professionally, affordable and fast (per Get Published! Professionally, Affordable, Fast - a book written by Ms. Susan Driscoll, Author, President and CEOof iUniverse). My manuscript was submitted and accepted by iUniverse, Inc. After payment of the required fee and was assigned two personnel by the name of Liesl Shapker, my appointed Publishing Services Associated and Amy He, my appointed Publishing Consultant.

I was informed that my manuscript would have to go through several stages, under 4 different authors, one author responsible for correcting grammar and spelling, one author responsible for ensuring it is in the right format, etc.

After over 3 months has passed, I kept sending emails to Liesl Schapker on the status of my book. Then about the first week of Oct. I received a telephone call from one Eugene Hopskins that he was cancelling my contract with iUniverse and get the money I paid for, be refunded. According to Eugene Hopkins, (He is the client services manager per Liesl Schapker) my manuscript was not the kind of story they would publish. I asked him why it took him over 3 months to decide and tell me that. Eugene was apologetic and

Said, 'I'm sorry.'

As per several e-mails from my assigned PSA, Liesl Schapker, the amount of $899.00 will be refunded. I have checked my bank for electronic transfer but there was no record of any transaction coming from iUniverse Publisher.

IUniverse wasted my time for over 3 months and delayed my going over to another able and capable publishing company. It was a mental anguish for me to wait over 3 months and to be told that my manuscript was not the kind of story they wanted to publish.

Company: IUniverse
Country: USA
Site: iuniverse.com
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IUniverse Self Publishing Company
Advertising / Deceptive Practices iuniverse.com

IUniverse Self Publishing Company
IUniverse, Inc., a Delaware corporation Cancelled my contract after publishing, removed my book from internet, kept my money, never paid royalties, misrepresented their abilities, scam

IUniverse Publishing
IUniverse didn't ask me when they priced my book, the price was too high

I published with iUniverse and never heard anything about my book royalties or anything at all... Ever

IUniverse Self Publishing
PSA: Jill Serinas Unauthorized publication of my book, will not report sales stats of book on my - myumiverse account

Self Publishing Company Misrepresents its Services

IUniverse Self Publishing Company
The company has changed, former reviews do not apply

Poor services

Lack of accurate sales data resulting in low royalty payments and lackluster sales status/programs