Bottom Line Books
Ill for NO BOOKS

Literature & Books

I've repeatedly obtained EXPENSES in the Main Point Here guide people. I've NO BOOKS FROM THEIR WEBSITE.

Please clear this up and ensure that i'm not charged for something that i don't have!

Please send me a regarding this for my documents. If this turns up on my credit history i'll contact my lawyer.

Audrey hollatz

5476 watts laurie street

Glendale, illinois 85302

Company: Bottom Line Books
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Glendale
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Bottom Line Books
Mailed me some books that I hadn't ordered, with a bill for $47.94 Des Moines Iowa

Bottom Line Books
Sent me books I didn't want and want to send back, but I don't know where to sent them Des Moines, Iowa

Bottom Line Books
Who are you and why did you send me these books?

Bottom Line Books
Unsolicited books

Bottom Line Books
Received books i did not order. I am now being charged $47.94

Bottom Line Books
They sent me books as to which I did not order

Bottom Line Books
I am reporting this fraudulent company name "BOTTOM LINE BOOKS." I Am Not Sure Because I Visted Serveral Sits. Maybe Sugar Land

Bottom Line Books
Unautorized shipment and billing

Bottom Line Publication -or-Bottom Line Books
Bottom Line Publication - Bottom Line Books They won't leave me alone HELP ME Des Moines IOWA

Bottom Line Books
They are sending me books that I did not order and billing me for them. I am sick of it!