Wal-Mart Pharmacy
Walmarts pharmacy consistancy

Lawyers & Legal Counseling

Wal Mart pharmacy is extemely consistant in providing the worst service imaginable. I been using them for a couple years now to refill my common old people meds. My visits at the Spruce Pine store has consistantly been bad not once or twice, but everytime something is wrong. The perscription aint ready, or they are out, or you got to wait in a long line for what seems to be forever, or like todays visit after leaving my doctors office where I heard him call in my new presription. I get there giving them a couple hours to fill it because everyone knows how slow they are. Yep you guessed it they did not have it, nor did they have any record of it. After my insistance they looked it up only to inform me that "you are not authorized to have this" ok thats it I have my little old man fit and leave. On my way home about 20 mins later I get a automated call on the cell to inform me my meds are ready for pickup. This must be the price we have to pay for the 4 dollar meds, I would not complain if it was not a consistant proplem. I swear whats a feller to do.

Patrick Mays Spruce Pine NC

Company: Wal-Mart Pharmacy
Country: USA
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