Schmier Law, PLLC
Red Flag Lawye

Lawyers & Legal Counseling

Do not use this lawyer. Do not invest in his law firm, Schmier Law, PLLC (Birmingham, MI). Do not trust him. Do not trust his advertisings. He is forgetful, dishonest and a constant liar. He is not professional or committed. He does not and cannot produce quality service. He can't simply because he is not a quality lawyer. Red Flag! His advertisings are false. His business operates 24/7 via cell phone.

Company: Schmier Law, PLLC
Country: USA
Address: 2222 Attard Birmingham MI 48009
Phone: 2487053742
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Schmier Law, PLLC
James G. Schmier Red Flags

Schmier Law, PLLC

Schmier Law, PLLC
Consumer Report

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Law Office of James G. Schmier, PLLC
Inconsistent and Conflicting