Sedgwick C M S
Dear mr. NORTH - Disability Claim

Lawyers & Legal Counseling

Dear mr. David north,

Just wanting to say I hope you (Mr. North) and your Family ARE Having a very Good Christmas, As YOUR company has RUINED OURS, Two very wonderful Kids of ours %u201CDIDN'T%u201D get a Christmas this year thanks to your company and UN-knowledgeable staff who dose the claims, its just wrong that you TEACH your employees to deny 95% of claims, ( North Sedgwick CMS.htm, plus MANY others%u2026
coming from what I have read on the net). We are NOW on the 3rd appeal waiting for a decision from SEDGWICK, AGAIN. We are about to lose our house as we are 2 Months behind, our lights are about to be turned off, as well as the water and gas, So as for the Moneys my wife is due, I hope you used it to buy your Loved Ones all the Gifts they wanted while we are here waiting for another answer and about to be homeless, I just don%u2019t see How you can Sleep at night knowing what your doing to people who really need this money to make it in life, It seems as if you are a heartless Man. My wife has paid for this insurance, its not like she getting it for nothing, It makes me very ANGRY and I now see why people do Stupid things in this world to get even! My wife has been pretty much BED Ridden for the past 3 and a half months Due to LUPUS, and failing Kidneys (which SEDGWICK know nothing about), My wife is a Nurse and had to leave work due to this illness as she couldn't do what was asked of her and had to be put on a Short term leave, and possibility longer as she%u2019s not getting any better! Her %u201C3%u201D DOCTORS have written note after note to SEDGWICK STATING that my wife %u201CCAN NOT%u201D work due to her illness and BAD side effects of these hard meds she has to take. Why do you treat people like this and leave them hanging and suffering? You should Man-Up and do what%u2019s right and care for those who really need this to survive as your getting older and your time is coming and Karma is a, you know what. My wife is a wonderful person/nurse who has always helped the sick, but now that she%u2019s sick we have to deal with your Company (How the heck is she supposed to get better when all she%u2019s doing is worrying about weather or not she going to get denied again), SHE doesn't deserve this AT ALL, as well as the thousands of other people who are constantly getting denied. It%u2019s the holidays and cause of the pain your company has caused we suffer and DON%u201DT get one, thanks to your deny rate, %u2026 How do you see this is fair Mr. North? I%u2019m sure if it where %u201Cyou%u201D or %u201Cone%u201D of your family members it would be a WAY different Story%u2026.. Things need changing, time for you to stop being the Grinch/Scrooge and change your ways for the better, as when its time you will go up not down. Like I said I hope you have a wonderful Christmas while we are crying and suffering thinking how are we going to put a roof over our heads and food on the table. You should know that OUR TWO kids didn't get ONE Christmas gift under the tree this year thanks to SEDGWICK, and that%u2019s SAD Mr. NORTH and that puts a big grudge towards you. The effects your Company puts on Good people are not good ones but God is the #1 who will judge you.

GOD BLESS YOU Mr. NORTH and hope to hear from you, but that I truly doubt, as this is like the 6th letter I have sent trying to get a hold of you.

M. Tyle

Company: Sedgwick C M S
Country: USA
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