Planet Love Match
Scam Elements

Internet & Web / Online Scam

This site that patterns itself after other social networking platforms contains several scam elements:

1. Profile Copying: Several profiles have been found on other sites like the impious anastasiadate. There is therefore that potential for profiles to either be bought, borrowed or even stolen from other sites. Therefore the site may not have "original" content!

2. Poor Scammer Filtration: Just because the site validates the user does not mean that the user is 100% genuine and it can mean that there still can be scammers on the site.

3. Poor Ethnic Diversity: This site is poor and pathetic when it comes to highlighting other ethnic groups in its advertising in a major way. It is indirectly saying that ethnic equality is lacking with "us" which it is. Now the site may choose to use the overused excuse that major users of the site belong to one ethnic group on the site and thus are the reasons for its off balanced one-ethnic advertisement highlightings but minor groups are just as important too as well and any site that lacks in its multiethnic tone in its advertising attempts we can therefore label it as being ethnically challenged and handicapped and ethnically scamming other groups!

This site has scam elements within it and written all over it. It is well worth watching and carefully observing and if scam elements are found to be comprehensively avoided and opposed!

Company: Planet Love Match
Country: USA
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Price Tricks, Poor Scaamer Detection and One-sided Ethnic Idea
One-sided ethnic picture and Price Trickery
Top Lop Questionable activities and Ethnically Backward Odessa
Ethnic Backwardness, Borrowed Profiles, Foolish Price System and Uses ladies as Moneymaking Tool

Elena Petrova/Solomon (
12 simple rules e-book Discrimination, One-sided, Ethnically Backward
Ukraine Date Poor Customer Service Response and Ethnically Backward Southport

My Partner Forever
Customer Support Center Failure, Bias Projections, and Technical Issues, Geneva
Inefficient Customer Servive by refusing to listen and Ethnically Backward, Kharkov