Web Wise Media
Did not provide services

Internet & Web / Online Scam

These guys are scammers... Beware! Just see when you google them the top suggestions are WEB WISE MEDIA SCAMS and WEB WISE MEDIA COMPLAINTS. We contracted with them to fix our site and promised to deliver us to the top of 35 suggest keywords. 1 year later, yes they revamped site but code was very sloppily written, tons of validation errors - wanted MORE money to fix this afterwards!!! They paid for our adwords campaign for a couple months up front, then did NOTHING. Rankings never went up, all they did was change a few title tags on our pages. They never did any link building. 5 thousand dollar ripoff artists... They would never answer e-mails/phone calls. Would have to call 8-10 times then they would just keep making empty promises to change things and deliver... But then nothing. Thankfully I learned something about SEO myself and double my traffic in about 5 months by simply blogging and forum posting and I knew absolutely nothing about SEO, seems these guys should have been able to do at least that much for all that money.

Company: Web Wise Media
Country: USA
Site: webwisemedia.com
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Web wise media
Another SEO Scam

Web Wise Media
Did not provide services

Web wise media
Web Wise Media Review

Web Wise Media
Web Wise Media SCAM, HOAX, RIP OFF

Web Wise Media
Web wise media, webwise media Scamming Scores of People Across the USA

Top Rank Listing
Is eboost media fraud, seo scam artists, new scheme to scam google users, stay away

Web Wise Media SEO Review
Web Wise Media SEO Review

Web Wise Media

Web Wise Media
Webwisemedia.com Email Marketing Scam Dan Martin Email Marketing Scam

Heart Wise Foods, Inc
Is a fraud