Fraud proposal

Internet & Web / Online Scam

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Reply Via This E-mail Address (drbrownwhite@hotmail.com)


"rafael. Bengoa@esade. Edu"

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Dear Winner,

This is to inform you of the release of our 2011 COCA COLA AWARD PROMO in which e-mail addresses are picked randomly by software powered by the Internet Service Provider. Twenty thousand email addresses were selected and you are lucky to be among them therefore making you one of our winners for the sum of (700,000.00 G.B. P) in this category you are to contact our Financial Controller with the information below for clearance and payment release.

Financial controller: dr. Brown white}

Email: drbrownwhite@hotmail.com

In respect to claims, you are to forward the following details to enable him

Clear your file for immediate payment:

1. Full Names%2. Address%3. State%

4. Country 5. Age%6. Sex%

7. Marital Status%8. Occupation%

9. Phone numbers%10. Country%


Mrs. Rosemary Hartley

On-line Coordinator

Coca cola award promo 2011.

Company: N/a
Country: USA
  <     >  


GLOBAL PROMO 2007, Netherlands Online Software Winnings, Really A Scam!
Tries to get you to give out your personal information and then send them money for them to ship your winnings to you. Ripoff Don't Know Yet Netherlands

Premier Premium Communications
National One - One Web Direct Bill ripoff Read This, and Bedford, New Hampshire

Coca Cola Annual Promo

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Coca-Cola Company (GB & Ireland) Ltd
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Fake email received

Cash for Stuffiing and Stuffing for Dollars
Didn't send the starter kit or refund my money fraudulent ripoff business Chicago and New York, NY

Coca Cola Company Worldwide Promo

Coca-Cola Subject: Congratulations! You
Consumer Report