Platinum Online Group

Internet & Web / Online Scam

These people who run this company withdrew 99.00 dollars out of my account without my permission they need to be taken down if anyone has the knowledge to make this happen I'm all in who can we talk to they dont respond to calls.

Company: Platinum Online Group
Country: USA
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Platinum online group savings
They took $99.49 dollars out of my checking account without my permission! I have no Idea who these people are!

Platinum Online Group
Platinum Online Charged Money to My Account Without My Permission!

Platinum online group
Who knows they dont answer there phonbe fraud, theft nevada

Platinum Online Group - SavingsPays99
I've Been Ripped Off By This Company via hacking

Platinum Online Group
Unauthorized withdrawl

Platinum Online Group
Payday loans Withdrew money out of my bank account without permission

Platinum Online Group - SavingPays99
Withdrew funds from my bank account without permission

Platinum Online Group
Withdrew $99 without my authorization

Platinum Online Group
Withdrawal from account w/o permission

Platinum Services-OPT PLATINUM 8009728094
Without my permission with drew 99.99 from my bank account