World Wide - Antivirus
Pop up scam

Internet & Web / Online Scam

The corporation occupied my pc and blocked any more movement till I decided to buy the item.

They pretended to become my antivirus deal that required restoration. This extended for all times

It was not till I obtained my CitCard expenses and went online to find the title, that I understood what had

Occurred. The corporation resides on shock techniques and preventing any motion online.

There must be criminal charges brought forward. Obviously this can be a significant violation of privacy and theft!

Company: World Wide - Antivirus
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Darien
  <     >  


ETrust EZ Antivirus
Antivirus doesn't get!

Antivirus 2009
Antivirus Ripoff

Best Antivirus
Consumer Report

AntiVirus 2009
Unable to contact them

Xp Antivirus
Xp antivirus a fake antivirus program Internet

Antivirus 2008 / Antivirus 2009 / Antivirus Pro 2009
Placed code within my computer to notify me that there was spyware and viruses present. Immediate attention was needed

Windows 7 Antivirus 2012
Consumer Report

Ogus antivirus 2009 system

Antivirus Pro
Program, suddenly, unavialable,? Fake virus warnings

Personal Antivirus
Indicated it was necessary to safeguard my computer & to cure trojan virus