Google Easy Street

Internet & Web / Online Scam

I took in by this scam thinking it was the real Google Company. They are very deceiving as they have a picture of Google's Headquarters on their website along with Google's logo. $1.95 you think to get information on working from home. If you miss their contract info (since it is in light letters on a light background) you will be slammed with $129.95 charge and $39.98 charge, and monthly charge of $39.98 thereafter until you cancel the contract. The thing is, you do not realize you have these charges until you get your credit card statement!

BUT!!! There is hope! Stay on the phone and call them every single day! I did this for 3 months until they got sick of me and agreed to give me my money back. Yep, I got it all back too! So do not give up! Most folks, I think, give up and pay the money. Don't do it! Also, turn them into the Better Business Bureau in your home state and the Attorneys General Office. Also, report them to Google. The more folks who complain, maybe Google will add them into their lawsuit, which currently they are not a part of!

Hang in there and pursue your money back! Stay on them until they agree to reimburse you!

Company: Google Easy Street
Country: USA
State: Arizona
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PWW Google Biz Kit
Scam - Fraud

Google is worst

Google - Studio Learning SLC UT
Google - Studio Learning SLC UT Google - - Studio Learning Google - 1.97 scam has a non-refundable monthly charge of $79.90... When you call 800-497-4988 good luck getting anyone that speaks english - this is in the Phillipe ans

Google GoldMine - Make Money With Google
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Your blog spot
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Google Easy Profits Nothing To Do With Google Search Engine
Google Easy Profits get cd for s/h 1.95 but in very light words below it reads "monthly fee is $39.90

Web Money Training
Unauthorized charges

Internet scams
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Make Money With Google
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Easy Net Google Income
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