Canadian Health care Mall
Never received product ordered

Internet & Web / Online Scam

Requested item online.By credit card. On 12/01/09. Never obtained verification or product. Followed up purchase at thier site which no further exisits. These individuals and all others like them have to be stopped. What may we customers do to prevent them?

Company: Canadian Health care Mall
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
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Canadian Health & Care Mall
Canadian Health & Care Mall Spamers Hacking G-Mail Accounts!

Canadian Health and Care Mall
Consumer Report

Canadian Health and Care Mall
EMail Scam

2012 Canadian Health&Care Mall
Canadian phamacy

Canadian Health&Care Mall
Stealing emails of my contact and put drugs products and send it to me

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E-mail Account Compromised

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Intrusion of Privacy

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Consumer Report

Canadian Health & Care Mall
Hacked My Gmail Account Through My I-Phone

Canadian Health and Care Mall
Consumer Report