Milton Lending Services

Internet & Web / Online Scam

I was recently approved for a five thousand dollar loan. I was told that I would have to make the first seven payments and then my money would be released. I have not sent in the money and I am glad I didnt.

Company: Milton Lending Services
Country: USA
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Milton Lending Services

Milton Lending Services

Atlantic Lending Services
Atlantic Lending Tree stay away from a loan office name paul davidson. I was given an email saying I was approved for a $5,000 loan however I had to send in due to my credit not being so good of $603.75. They calleed it a

Milton Lending Services

Fairway Lending
Group, Fairway Lending asks you to send money, SCAM!

Milton Lending Services

FairWay Lending
Terrible scam!

Allied International Lending Hartford Conneticut required substantial deposit on loan that would be released in, four hours, never released. Demanded more and more money to process loan. When I said just cancell svc. Waited 10 days for return of Internet

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