Google Treasure Chest

Internet & Web / Online Scam

Total scam! I signed up and paid the $1.98 and then I instantly called the company and told them to cancel my account because I read somewhere that I would be charged way more every month. After calling them they said my account was deleted and their wont be any charges.

I wake up this morning and there are 3 pending transactions for $38 to this company! Now I have to cancel my debit card, get the government involved and put an end to this scam. These people will be brought to justice.

Company: Google Treasure Chest
Country: USA
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Google Treasure Chest

Google Treasure Chest
Scam, Rip off, cheats, liars, &%

Google Treasure Chest, Blazingwords
Purchased and cancelled Google Treasure, Blazingwords fraudulently got my credit card from them and made unauthorized charges

Google Treasure Chest
Fraudulent Charges

Google Treasure Chest
Scammed me. Charged my debit card 1.97 then 7 days later 72.21. I did not okay 72.21

Google Treasure Chest
Unauthorized Charges Utah

Google Treasure Chest

Google Treasure Chest / Searchchest
They have changed their name!

Google Treasure Chest
Fraudulant charges on my check card visa/unauthorized charges, search goggle treasure chest see hundreds of the same charges

Google Treasure Chest
Google Treasure Chest Scam