Got screwed

Internet & Web / Online Scam

Yes... A genuine fraud i got the check had some1 phone and since I have got really a great rating I acquired a discount and set 250 bucks to get a bit of document today im SCREWED... No degree icant move 2 university or even the military... They created me seem like a freakin pro... 3.1 gpa... Today im not sayin im foolish but Adison Senior School online program is just a fraud don't waste your cash BOYCOTT... I notice a civil suit... Sue them... So pissed-off... So dont waste your monet at adison large online plan...

Company: Steven
Country: USA
State: Illinois
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Adison High
Stay away

Adison high school

High School Diploma
Fraudulant Documentation/SCAM

Adison Online High School

Adison high school
High School Diploma scam

Adison high school
Online Diplomas

Adison High School Diploma

Adison high school

Adison high school
SCAM Diploma worth nothing not even the paper it was wrote on

Adison high school
Adison high school is fake and a rip off and scammer Interne