First Name Software
Cyber Scam, Theft and Extortion!

Internet & Web / Online Scam

Beware! Ken Kirkpatrick Software Internet Fraud, Robbery and Extortion

Icann registered mail 30th january

Icann (Web Company for Assigned Names and Figures)

4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330

Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6601


Re: Illegal Cybersquatting bloomfieldsoftware.

Dear Sirs,

Our title is David Bloomfield, I possess the url and that I am also the controlling director of Bloomfield Application Ltd.

This past year, about the 19th of July we delivered you a registered email notice in relation to Rivals Ken Kirkpatrick Application and About Titles Harmful cybersquatting. (Bloomfield Application)

To summarize... For That previous couple of years... Ken Kirkpatrick Application and About Titles put up a website in my own name 'Mark Bloomfield Application' they place responsible information on the site... If which wasnot bad enough, then they place additional rivals items directing in the same my opinion it was done-for large profit.

If that wasnot bad enough then they directed exactly the same site 'Mark Bloomfield Application" title, to companion and prostitution providers of course if that wasnot bad enough, then they had the nerve to place an image of the guy 'twisting over moving a chair' WASTE! (from the general evaluation) using the heading caption "I am the actual Mark Bloomfield that are you? The Mark Bloomfield Application (copycat site was eliminated)

But guess what? They have started once again they've put up another site in my own title in the place of David Bloomfield application, it's today Bloomfield Software Info... Same extortion... Same phony recommendations

They're also declaring that I had been deported in the US, that will be absurd when I haven't been deported from any nation... They're distributing the exact same, comparable horrible responsible information... Stating that my application is crap, declaring when I do want to obtain the site eliminated (in a lot of phrases) they'll advise me how to proceed. I've to create for them for directions... Well... in my opinion this is simply simple extortion and blackmail.

In my opinion that is harmful and vindictive structured hate crime also it should be ceased

Once more... May we please hand this issue to law enforcement?

A quick response could be loved

Really truly yours,

Mark Bloomfield

Managing Director Bloomfield Application Ltd.

Ken kirkpatrick applicationis... Illegitimate cyber-squatting

Flashback to last decades notice delivered to icann

Icann (Internet Company for Assigned Names and Figures)

4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330

Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6601


Re: Illegal Cybersquatting

Dear Sirs,

Our title is David Bloomfield, I possess the url and that I am also the controlling director of Bloomfield Application Ltd.

Previously couple of years, vindictive rivals have put up a link in my own title and taken my title (David Bloomfield Application) and exhibited an image of the person

Twisting down moving a chair Waste! (From The general evaluation) about the website of

The house site ( has since transformed to directing exactly the same domainname to some other websites such as for example Companion and 'adult type' sites, and various rival websites promoting additional 'comparable copycat type' application.

Please find enclosed files of the exact same rivals that lately really took art and client recommendations from my site along with a D.M.C. A was released.

Please firstly recommend me of the instant procedure by which to possess the domainname such that it isn't employed for internet robbery or other harmful reasons.

Subsequently I would like to explain that, because of the reality that 80-percent of times, the domainname isn't directing in the causes sites but at additional separate rival sites (cheating and masking the urls with planned intention)

But what exactly is worse, is that the domainname continues to be directing to, and shown to sites having a image of the person twisting along, moving a chair Waste! (From The general evaluation) along with other Companion and Adult form sites.

In my opinion that is harmful and vindictive structured hate crime also it should be ceased

May we please hand this issue to law enforcement?

A quick response could be loved

Really truly yours,

Mark Bloomfield

Managing Director Bloomfield Application Ltd.

(Last decades harmful site has been eliminated through appropriate activity.)

Bloomfield Application includes a great status and it is an honest organization and through envy and malice, rivals referred to as, About Titles and Ken Kirkpatrick Application) Took the Bloomfield Application title (Internet robbery) plus they also produced Fake and phony customer reviews

Whenever you examine our rip-off rebuttal' Called Ken Kirkpatrick Application is Poor News' on rip-off


About Titles and Ken Kirkpatrick Application

Visitors Please... Watch out for About Titles and Ken Kirkpatrick Software


Company: First Name Software
Country: USA
State: California
City: Taft
  <     >  


Ken Kirkpatrick Software - KK Software - All About Names
Cyber Theft, They Stole My Name

Bloomfield Software
Fraud and lies

Bloomfield Software
(aka David Bloomfield Software) Distortions about competitors found completely untrue after thorough check

Ken Kirkpatrick Software
Bad Software-Rude - No Customer Support!

All About Names, AA Names, Ken Kirkpatrick Software, KK Software
Vindictive Smear Campaign that I was deported from the USA Complete lies!

Ken Kirkpatrick Software Aka, KK Software, Aka, All About Names, Aka AA Names
They Stole My Art Designs and Web Content (Internet Theft)

Bloomfield Software
Fake Coats Of Arms

Bloomfield Software - David Bloomfield / Totally Fake coat of arms Software

Bloomfield College
Consumer Report

Bloomfield Software - David Bloomfield
Was abusive and went mental on me!